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    * how it relates to other verbs: construct, 
César http://manualsupervivenciamaker.com/manual/
manual aspect
universality, we're all makers
subcategory: cirtical making: you're looking at position of what you're making in the world - reaction to mass production (Pixelache)
-> is this linked to critical engineering? cfr manifesto on Critical Engineering written by Danja Vasiliev & co http://k0a1a.net/) , based in Berlin, workshops to teach people about networking, understand geopoliticat meaning of network (f.ex. all communication in country in South-America was passing by US)
-> why do you make things?
sometimes the reason why is represented in the space (ethical/political/for fun)

There is overlap between fab & make
Fab is subset of make: 'make' is always 'make', whether it is knitting or digital making, it is the meaning that you put behind it, that makes it 'fab' or 'make' or 'hack'
Make is invented by Chris Anderson (Wired)

* quelque chose qui porte les gens vers le haut 
en wolof: fab = porter un niveau en haut
* rules
fab is defined by MIT, what it should be - they invented it
* precise
* object / physical / digital / replication
* production/experimenting/collective
* network / build from scratch
-> plus d'attention pour les outils / more focus on tools?
-> focus on 'fabrication'
 network, prototyping, access to certain technological industrial processes

using, abusing, remixing, dissableming and learning from dissasembelling
unique, free ....
modify, share
 finetuning and playing
 -> what is playing? exploring, learning new things
has expertise in it
-> hack is not always 'make' / hacker ce n'est pas toujours faire, it can be a political position to look at situations or objects


-> specify whether it is a physical/virtual/collaborative space

Wendy: part of fablab Brussels
inspires her, has a lot of trust and freedom / learning / exchange

* Mamadou: is part of collective, is win win, there is no constraints
if he's interested, he does it, otherwise not

* Veerle:
    belongs to a fablab/artistic organisation
    because wants to teach, share knowledge, make small positive tweaks to the world

* rest: see pictures!


* Fablab Brussels < schools:  University VUB + Hogeschool Erasmus
used for machines & personnel -> they take care of their machines themselves

* NY: companies

* TRAKK (Belgium): public money EU, FEDER fund (2014-2020) focus on economy (emerging businesses), is also for building/officies/exhibition spaces/artists/workshops/residencies
this is a problem: would like to develop projects for people that don't fit, f.ex. workshops for kids
-> they created TRAKK for this, with different insitutions (university, KIKK festival...)
some little money comes from members
projects & partnerships
-> still looking for other funds to realize projects for more social public

* imal fablab (Belgium): public money
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Communauté flamande
Brussels Region
EU Feder fund -> not same criteria as for TRAKK, Wallonia doesn't understand the law the same way as Brussels (pole Innovation)
membership fee for fablab

* Makealavida (Madrid)
non profit organisation
hired for service: creating furniture & doing workshops in universities, cultural centers, museums...
fee to participate in activities is free / organisers pay them
that money is used to organise other parts that have no funding
not always paying the workers, they try
everyone has other jobs at the side
collective is like part time job

* Open Takafa (Maroc)
in the beginning it was difficult to find money
then the met foundation FAZI for art
they gave a space (L'Uzine: 4 floors, every floor is dedicated to type of art, ex BD, dance etc)
4th floor is maker space
TAZI pays rent, materials, exhibitions
Personnel is not paid, all volonteers 

* OSM (Togo)
legal base since 2014: association
helps to negociate on projects with partners abroad, f.ex. EOF in France
-> EOF: connect all OSM projects in West Africa, they negociate money with La Francophonie (OIF)
they organise 2 to 3 projects per year in subregions, give technical formations for local people each year
60% of fees for experts is used to organise workshops, each person chooses whether they want to reinvest money

* Minodoo (Togo)
no financing, because: 'you can't bite the hand that feeds you'
the government contacts them to do things for money, but in the end they don't pay anything
-> they decided not to participate anymore
they developed different start-ups (3) and one more is coming, they offer services that pay for the projects
they're nomadic

* Collectif Yeta (Mali)
money comes from festivals (concerts, off) & parties they organise (bar)
everyone is paid, they divise the money
everyone has also other jobs, IT/film
not the idea to live from activities of collective


Here are some notes of Wendy's introduction

Last of different sessions
Grigri (brings luck, in this case: light, electricity, energy)

Objectos Comunes
* when is an object in common
* when is an object common

capacité d'un écosystème (pay/informatique) d'une espèce/individu à récupérer un comportement normal après une perturbation

Spain is very different from BE, Marocco, Togo, Senegal
(in)stabilité politique, influence beaucoup
but there are common issues

Quote Hannah Arendt 1958, The Human Condition (chapter 'The modern age')
action: being political, engaged in policy
work: making, producing thing
labour: it is us, the human species
too much focus on producing objects
if you're not agreeing on type of objects/context in which it is produced
= undercurrent for coming days

"each object is poltical , there is no neutrality in the act of making, producing or product"


Introduction participants
Also read answers to previously sent questions here : http://pad.constantvzw.org/public_pad/Fichas_Objects_in_Common

* Fran: 3D-construction of prothesis of hand for children
* Susana: prepared together with Wendy, worked before à Ker Thiosane, Dakar (fablab Modu)
assisted to grigri pixel lab
hope to finish the projects on Friday with an exhibition outside the lab
will be shown again in Grigrifestival in May in Dakar
* Veerle: Timelab Gand/Gent (Belgium)
-> create makers community, connect them to each other & ecchange knowledge
-> bigger project: community of makers, artists, scientifics, academics
* Wim: hackerpsace Leuven (Belgium), use space of fablab Leuven
des gens avec profils différents: ingénieurs,..
différence entre deux espaces: esprit open source (logiciel libre)
il développe de l'éctronique (hardware ingeneer)
* Marc: gère fablab Leuven
basé dans le départment d'ingénierie mécanique Université Leuven
80% étudiants/teachers of university, 20% outside users
espace existe depuis 6 à 7 ans
études en in biochemie & doctorat en bio ingeneer
* Danny: fablab Genk (Belgium)
plupart des participants: étudiants en design
spécialité de création d'objets pour gens avec maladies chroniques
* Mamadou: fablab Yeta en 2011 in Mali, since then they don't have a space anymore
work on media/digital art 
collective of artists and technicians
* Kokou: represents 2 communities:
    Open Street Map Togo
    Minodoo: work on tools like Raspberry Pi, how to transfer from proprietary software to free
    Jerry: reuse old computers to make new ones
    organise workshops, organise formation sessions for OSM, free software (LeafletJS, Library Javascript), open GIS systems
    background: economist http://openbidouille.net/post/31730440992/atelier-jerrycan
* Modu: fablab Ker Thiossane, Dakar
        Defko Ak Niep (Do it with others, in Wolof)
ong exists since 2002, works on media art and multimedia
combines tardiotional & modern  knowledge
Since 2014: fablab in Dakar, with machines and popularization of machines vers les autres
'african fablab': transform calebas in computers
demystification of technology and digital machines
reuse of computers
recycle plastic in filament  to use for 3D printer
Textile machines (Knitting machines) of the 80s are hacked with Arduino  & processing to transfer digital files (with Claire Williams, artists)
they also work with neighbourhood, education center for girls who did not have chance to go to school
* Zeinab (?): Open Takafa? (Casablanca, Marocco)
focus sur l'artisitque: graffiti, BD's, imprimantes 3D en collaboration avec centres d'arts à Casablanca
Nous organisons des Open days .
Marocco Makers: partager culture DIY avec des enfants,  (e.g comment utiliser arduino)

an= colleue of constant vzw,
She has no experience  with Fablabs
She is a storyteller and writer and experiments a lot with text, translations, 
She mediates medialab prado to the outer world.

* Marthe 'ils/elles'
membre de hackerpsace bruxelles
dans une maison à Anvers elles expériment avec 'hackbase', vivre dans atmoshpère de hack concentré sur technologie & collectivités
s'intéresse à la politicisation de la technologie
grande expérience en stratégies féministes, afin d'émanciper de la pensée néolibérale (autour de nous + dans nos corps)
plus d'intérêt au hackerspace, au lieur de hacklab, parce qu'ils sont souvent situés dans des espaces sociaux

* Paul
member of Usinette (little factory)
collectif of friends, desindustrialisation and reapproriation of technology
how to change daily life (transport, lodging...)
collaborated with Ker Thiosane (project?)
Paris: Tmp//lab
they construct space near Bourges in geodesic dome (caravan)
background: industrial designer
how to go from to closed proprietary capitalist design into an open source and shared design
was participant in Gri gri pixel last 2 weeks

* Julien - http://Leresteux.net  
together with Philippe on fablab for youngsters in Molenbeek (!) projet name: falbabeke
work on project since 1 month
one is a fixed lab, one is mobile for interventions in schools
worked with kids in introduction to IT since 8 years
member of Microfactory (Brussels) : makerspace

* Philippe
works with Julien :-)
would like to work on mobile fablab this week, great if others are interested
-> resistent to transport
Background: artist, worked a lot with kids
part of Apertus project: F/LOSS applied to film, are developing open hardware camera
is happy to talk about it more if you're interested
would be ideal to have the entire process open, from light, pixel to screen
prototype is in Vienna ... can show pictures

* Julien
he will present in both languages
comes from Brussels, lives in NY since 1y
represents Libre Objet http://libreobjet.org/ , collective that exists since 4y with artists and designers
open licenses for objects, in an online repository > git
organised a lot of workshops, have a website with Floss designs, participated in Interactivos in December (wrote a book there 'Diverted Derived Design', that will be presented later)
background: artist, IT, open hardware 
you see benches in the space, made from Europpalettes = his project: design with least garbage', quickly made (less than 1h)
-> ils sont intéressé à traduire le livre dans n'importe quelle langue

* Dani
travaille à Medialab depuis 8 ans
depuis 2 ans il travaille au fablab
on le reverra bcp cette semaine
a participé à l'atelier Grigri 
curieux de connaître les résultats de cette semaine
sera là tous les matins cette semaine
ingénieur électrique comme son père (lab en Italie? font bcp de projets avec des réseaux wifi, collaborent bcp avec l'Afrique, Amérique du Sud, teste des installation télécommunication, essaient de couvrir grandes distances sans matériel officiel (?))

* Luc
coordinator of imal (Brussels): art gallery, artist residences + fablab
part of EU-project in Molenbeek, trying to include underprivilged people
in collaboration with partners : social centers already integrated in the neighbourhood
interested in different pedagogic practices
background: complicated :-), physics, sound/audio engineer, radio director, artist, engaged in fablab & working in opera & classical music radios

* Jil
works with François pour Trakk (Namur BE), creative hub & fablab
work also for KIKK festival (BE), about creative & media cultures
represent here fablab of TRAKK, create links between artists, scientist, new media & business
-> mediate encounters
organise workshops, introduction to technology/construction of x (amplifier) for children and adults
background: non-technical; studied law, worked in copyright, cinema, graphic design and TRakk
interested in methodologies of each participant

* François
works for Trakk (especially fablab), Kikk, Smart Gastronomy Lab (lab to develop new products/services in food by putting end user at center of process, f.ex. 3D printer that prints with chocolate)
background: programmer (10 y) + woodwork

from Madrid, founder of Makespace + involved in other fablabs
He's writing book 'Gigantesk'
all information is in English 
lots of people come to space to start but they don't speak English
launched crowdfunding platform to write book
27 people writing, 450 pages done in Spanish (building, disassembling, 3D printing)
CC share alike

Mireia (Madrid)