Objects in Common Worksession – RAW and unprocessed

In collaboration with Medialab Prado Constant organised the worksession ’Objects in Common’ as the final event in a series that started in 2015 with ’Funcionamientos: Objects in Common and Diverse Bodies’ followed by ’Interactivos? Material Cultures in the digital age’ and ’Grigri Pixel: makers and energy in African cities’.
The series ’Objetos Comunes’ wants to explore “other ways of doing” such as design for functional diversity, situated digital manufacturing in for example African cities. It takes making ordinary/common objects as a point of departure.

During the week of the 7th to 12th of March 2016, 25 makers and thinkers have looked at the potential but also at the problems of sharing practices, processes of manufacturing and the documentation of physical objects. Taking both the permission to reproduce and the availability of source files as a given, there are still many questions to ask about the actual common-ness of digital objects and their potential physical life.

On this page you can find the raw archive of the notes that were taken during the worksession.

– Themes of the session

MONDAY 07/03
— Spaces+ relations (fablabs, hackerspaces, makerspaces ..)
— Repositories, sharing platforms, documentation (manuals, videos).
— Resources, materials and relations (geopolitics, ecology,
— Licenses and the relations they produce.
FRIDAY 11/03
— Digital to physical(fileformats, vectors, limitations,

– Who participated:
Everyone answered a questionnaire, the answers were bundled together in a booklet (thanks PW).

– Images of the worksession:

– Raw html files of the notes we took, including authorship colours and post live spelling chaos


A subjective first summary of this worksession will be presented at LGM 2016


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